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A Smiling Journey to your Wholeness

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Journey into your Wholeness

I am your smile. I come from the light and I want to appear in your world.
But what can I do, you do not allways see me, I know...
When you recognize me ... then I feel special, loved, accepted, rich.
I speak now, if you decide to walk that path, your life can be a fairytale... you know -  life IS a fairytale. It is exactly what you create by yourself. And if you want your fairytale with great results, please follow me ... I invite you to our common path ... The path that you are.
Psssst .... Are you following?
I'm taking you to different situations, you need to look for me everywhere, of course, even when I hide in the store ... find me ... look me up in the woods, in the meadow, in my loved ones ... and anywhere else ... I'm leading...
The last stop is a center ... a center that you are.
When you are in the center, just calm down, listen. You will feel that deep breathing... that leads into your peace, joy, love, your own sound and your passion ...

Your eye will become shiny, so shiny, that people will notice them.

And if you already follow me, you are already joy by itself,  you will get blessings from me and my friends.

Remember also, there is someone that also follows me, s/he can be your loved one, business partner, soul brother or sister, s/he will notice the eyes.
The right one will know. The left one will know it too. You and your amazing person will see each other as ONE.

The wholeness.
Are you ready?

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Si pripravljen/a?

Si se kdaj vprašal/a, kako še bolje živeti v tem svetu?

Si začutil/a, da sam/a ustvarjaš svojo realnost?

Ko slediš svojem nasmehu, se zaveš, da si lahko ustvariš čarobno življenje. Kadarkoli se odločaš, kam naprej, sledi svojem nasmehu, sledi poti, ki te nasmeji. Tista je prava. Ob tej se počutiš mirno, prijetno, čutiš lahkotnost v svoji duši… in v tvojem telesu se pojavi sprememba… tvoje oči postanejo sijoče, nasmejane. P/ostaneš srečen/a.
Tvoje življenje p/ostane čudež.

V izdelku je orisano prav to – tvoj nasmeh (možicelj z dvema očesoma, lasmi in nasmejanimi usti) ter tvoje sijoče oko. Naj te spomni na to, da vedno lahko slediš tisti poti, ki te nasmeji. Ali obratno, ko si srečen/a, te življenje obdaruje z nasmehi…

Vedno sledi svojem nasmehu in nasmeh bo sledil tebi.

In še, morda še kdo sledi svojem nasmehu. Ko se srečata, se zagledata in oči postanejo Eno.
Dva nasmeha v enih očeh.
Dobro opazuj, kam te pripelje tvoj nasmeh in čigava zgodba se sklada s tvojo.
Sledi ji. Morda najdeš svojega življenjskega sopotnika, poslovnega partnerja, dušnega brata/sestro... 'Radost. Ki sem jaz. In jaz sem ti. Ti si jaz. Midva sva eno.'

Uživaj v raziskovanju svojih nasmehov…

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'When you Follow your Smile, Magic of Life is with you.'

Follow your first task, subscribe to smiling thoughts for your everyday happiness. Follow your second task and go to the store...there is one SPECIAL necklase with my smile only for you, so you can follow ME.

Sledi 1. nalogi svojega nasmeha in se spodaj prijavi na prijetne smejoče misli v tvoj e-poštni predal.

Sledi 2. nalogi in pokukaj v trgovino. Tam te čaka IZJEMEN obesek, ki te vsak dan spomni, da sledi svojem nasmehu. 

Tjaša Cepuš

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